I've never been one to adhere to the social rule of avoiding discussion of politics or religion in sensitive situations. Due to this I decided to question my host mother about the issue of Kimigayo and Hinomaru as she was moseying about my room one sunny afternoon. More specifically I asked what she thought of Kimiko Nezu and her crusade against tyranny. The response was immediate and sharp:
"She's a moron"
Ten exciting minutes later I learned that my host mom leans somewhat right-wing, belonging to the section of society that believes that a Japanese citizen's duty is to honor the flag and the national anthem as an innate part of their Japanese-ness. She also mistakenly believed that everyone in the United States sings the national anthem and salutes the flag as proper members of their nation. I was forced once again to dispel another "Ideal America" myth.
She does not, however, oppose people who don't wish to stand or sing during formal occasions. Her not-so-friendly attitude seems to stem more from her personal experience of anti-Nationalist protesters causing a ruckus at both her daughter's graduation ceremonies. Those are experiences that shouldn't include especially disruptive personal agendas on the menu, she said in so many words. Other incidents of flag burning probably didn't help either. Silent protest is golden.
Especially concerning politics there are more than two sides two every story. In fact, each issue is damned-near prismatic. While there is certainly no lack of cause for grief from the side of the teachers and others who stand against compulsory patriotism, one has to be careful of the media and words that come from anyone who has a specific goal in sight.